Hydraulic project in Lulu


In the semi-arid area the lack of permanent water sources is a problem the Samburu have to confront every day. The population of Lulu decided to settle down and abandon their nomad traditions in order to have a more dignified life. And they did it near the only river that has water all year long, even during the dry season. The problem is that cattle and people drink from the same source, leading to diseases among them and even, in the worst case, to death. It is the women who have to go and fetch the water, carrying 20 litre containers and walking long and exhausting distances. Furthermore, the children don’t go to school in order to help their mothers.


Improve the sanitary conditions of the Samburu.

  1. We built a water canalization system in Lulu.
  2. 600 people have access to drinking water.



Padre Fernando y Padre Luís