Dining room Pascual Barceló in Barsaloi


The Barsaloi Mission of the Padres Yarumal and the Hermanas de Santa Teresita contribute to the development of the Samburu communities of the area. The Sisters focus on matters related to health and education, collaborating in the management of the maternity ward, the medical dispensary and the pre-school.

Thus the school facilitates access to education for the boys and girls of Barsaloi. The construction of a dining/sitting room, a kitchen and a store guarantees a daily minimum maintenance for the children that attend the pre-school;  the  day per day is financed through a sponsorship system.


Improve the school’s infrastructure, promote education and raise awareness in matters of personal hygiene.

  1. Construction of the dining room, kitchen and store at the pre-school at Barsaloi.
  2. It provides access to education, food and hygiene for 360 children per year.



Hermana Rosario