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In Lodungokwe there is a water problem. There is no drinking water, the little water they get, pumped from a well some five kilometres away, is salty and is undrinkable and it even cannot be used to water the plants.
The Samburu is a nomadic tribe; their economy is based upon cattle-raising. They consider agriculture a profane activity and thus their habitat has remained intact for a long time.
We got many requests from medical professionals and foundations that wanted to volunteer in Africa offering their knowledge and help free of charge, for only a simple thank-you.
We got many requests from medical professionals and foundations that wanted to volunteer in Africa offering their help and knowledge free of charge, for only a simple thank-you.
Nyarutosho is home to more than 80 families (a little more than 500 persons) without basic access to sanitation systems. The community built an association to construct 20 latrines to share among the families.
In Nairobi there are 12 slums and, although we cannot be sure of the number of inhabitants that live there, in some of them, for instance in Kibera, more than 1.5 million people are barely surviving.