Medical Centre in Nairobi


In Nairobi there are 12 slums and, although we cannot be sure of the number of inhabitants that live there, in some of them, for instance in Kibera, more than 1.5 million people are barely surviving.


Offer medical services to people with scarce resources.

  1. What we started as a dispensary has become the Rehema Medical Centre and has moved to the outskirts of the Mukuru slum. It works with a team of 8 persons who are able to carry out medical and ultrasound explorations, clinical analysis, treat kidney stones and other diseases, help with family planning, optometry and dentistry.
  2. Medical explorations.
  3. Ultrasound scanning and shortly X-rays for detection and monitoring of pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. Detection and monitoring of bone fractures.
  4. Clinical analysis.
  5. Detection of kidney and vesicular stones.
  6. Family planning services, optometry and dentistry.



Moses Okoth