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Maitai has been lucky enough to go to school with her younger sister, but every morning when she wakes up she thinks with horror what awaits her. You will have to walk 5 kilometers, leave before dawn and pass through the Masai Mara reserve that is full of wildlife
The Samburu is a nomadic tribe; their economy is based upon cattle-raising. They consider agriculture a profane activity and thus their habitat has remained intact for a long time.
Las comunidad de Lowa se encuentran en una zona semiárida del norte de Kenia. Pertenecen a la tribu samburu, tribu nómada que practica una economía basada en el pastoreo.
The Lowa, Lulu, Opiroi, Nairimirimo and Lodokume communities (Samburu communities) live in a semi-arid area in Northern Kenya; their economy is based on cattle-raising.