Maternal Shelter in Maralal


With the construction of the maternal and child ward at the Maralal hospital, with the aim of reducing the mortality rate in the region. An index that is very high due to the distance from health centers. In many cases, mothers give birth in their huts in very precarious conditions and without the presence of any health worker.

Thanks to the construction of the ward, women who have a risk pregnancy will be able to settle in the pavilion months before giving birth and thus be able to be cared for during pregnancy and childbirth It is a project that was financed thanks to the collaboration during the dinner celebrating 15 years of Africa Digna and working together with the Kenyan Foundation Find the Cure.


Reduce the maternal and infant mortality rate

  1. Reduce the infant mortality rate.
  2. Ensure that women are cared for during pregnancy.
  3. Guarantee that the delivery takes place in the Maralal hospital



Daniel Sciuto